Morro Bay at a Snail’s Pace-Feb. 14th-3.2 miles

Video at normal speed on Youtube channel SUENORD1 (

I arrived in Morro Bay on Tuesday morning, Feb. 14th and parked the van along the road at the Morro Beach State Park camping ground. I didn’t drive into the park, but enjoyed the cold water from their drinking fountains before heading towards Morro Rock. The road along the golf course towards town was NOT level, and I trudged up two or three hills before I took Beach Street down to the waterfront and the last bit of the “Embarcadero”.


I thereby missed most of the docks, as well as a lovely shoreside park called Bayshore Bluffs Park. You should really follow Bayshore Drive right after the golf course down to the park, and experience both the park and all the interesting shops and fishing boats along the Embarcadero. I tried to film the southern end of town afterwards, but my helmet-camera was pointed up at the sky. Sorry!

From Beach Street to Morro Rock, I found a nice bike path. If you see what appear to be blobs of seaweed in the water, look closer! They are sea otters! Down by Morro Rock, I had some interesting conversations with a retired couple, a surfer waiting for his wife with a tandem bicycle and a tourist from Chile (conducted-on my part-in halting Spanish). Morro Rock itself is just stupendous, and can be seen from anywhere on the bay.

Returning towards the camping ground, I went further down the Embarcadero, since the bike route intersected it at about the midpoint. I also blundered along the sidewalk to film the interesting tourist shops. I did walk the bike whenever I encountered pedestrians. You can almost get back to the park along the waterfront, but when you get to the last bit, there are several flights of stairs to get up to Main Street. I biked back to the park and filmed some of the campground.

On Tuesday afternoon, I drove to Santa Barbara. I had actually planned to stay in a motel and clean up my act, but the prices were horrendous, and it was getting dark. I drove around until I found a nice neighborhood with street parking. I was going to ask if I could park there, but the nearest houses had  gates, and it sounded like most of the houses had grouchy dogs BEHIND the gates. I resorted to my earlier procedure of keeping my head below the tinted windows of my van.


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